When considering hair transplant surgery and hair loss treatments, there are often many questions. Understanding the procedures and knowing what to expect are important. We’ve included some of the most common questions asked, and the explanations of the science behind hair loss treatments.
Why am I losing my hair?
There can be many different causes of hair loss in both men and women. The most common cause is a genetic condition known as andro-genetic alopecia. It can be inherited from either parent. In this condition, a sex hormone called DHT causes the hair follicles to become smaller and hair loss occurs. The loss of hair is a progression throughout our lives. Certain areas of the head are more susceptible to the effects of DHT and suffer greater hair loss.
If Hair Loss is progressive, why does hair transplant surgery work?
The hair present at the back and sides of the head becomes the donor area. These hairs are genetically programmed to remain in the scalp. Someone with a great deal of baldness will still retain hair in these donor areas. About half of this area can be used for transplant and contains an available graft number between 6000 and 8000 follicles. Not all of these can be safely harvested in one procedure.
Why can’t all 8000 grafts be transplanted in one session?
Removing large areas of scalp makes it difficult to close the site of the incision. This results in delayed healing and more scarring. Scalp stretching exercises before surgery can improve the laxity in the donor area and allow the surgeon to harvest a larger area, while making an adequate closure possible.
Is it normal to see hair in the shower every day?
On average, we have 100,000 hairs on our heads. The hair cycles through growth and resting periods. Normally, between 100-150 hairs per day enter the resting period and then fall out. They then begin to grow back within three or four months. This is a normal function of the human body. Hair transplant grafts will cycle through these periods.
Is hair transplant surgery painful?
Patients experience some discomfort when the local anesthetic is injected into the scalp. It is very similar to a dentist visit. No other discomfort or pain is expected.
Can I choose where my hairline goes?
If you have realistic goals, then yes. It is important to understand how hair transplants will appear as hair regrowth occurs. Our goal is to ensure that you maintain a natural look that takes you through your future years. Age, race and gender are also factors in the placement of the hairline. Hair loss specialist will work with you to achieve a compromise that works for everyone.
Do certain hair types or styles improve the look of hair transplants?
There are certain colors, textures and styles of hair that can improve the overall appearance of a hair transplant. Light hair on light skin results in a very natural look, while dark hair on light skin is a bigger surgical challenge. Hair that has curls or wave appears denser.
When styling, parting the hair on the side will create layering and give the appearance of greater density.