“A woman’s fear over losing her hair can top the fear of losing her life to cancer.” – Jan Ping
Jan Ping is a renowned hairstylist, cosmetologist and Emmy award winner. She is also a cancer survivor. When working with the “Look Good, Feel Better” program, she realized how important our hair is to our identity and sense of self. While chemotherapy is necessary in the treatment of cancer, it almost always results in hair loss. Many women choose to select a wig to hide the loss of hair until it regrows. It’s important to understand the changes the scalp undergoes once chemotherapy is started. It will help in the choice of chemotherapy wig before hair loss is complete.
Adapting to Scalp Changes
Chemotherapy wigs are the best solution for the hair loss associated with cancer treatment. According to experts, as hair falls out, the scalp becomes increasingly weaker and more sensitive. Hair loss occurs in different ways for different people – some have clumps of hair fall out, while others experience hair loss at a steady pace. Hair texture is also altered, and becomes fuzzier and very thin. Expert stylist and hair loss professionals can assist in the design of wigs that comfortably fit each individual.
Tips for the Transition
As soon as your begin chemotherapy, you will want to begin the process of transition into a wig. There are some steps that can ease the process and also ensure you have a better fit with your wig. When visiting the salon, ask for privacy during your meeting. Generally, salon and stylist are happy to accommodate special requests.
- Speak with candor to your stylist about your diagnosis, medications and your concerns. Sharing all the details will help the two of you work as a team in designing the perfect chemotherapy wig.
- Get your hair trimmed gradually shorter every few weeks until it completely falls our or you shave it completely. This is a way to help prepare you mentally, as well as helping the stylist in assessing your head shape for the design of your wig.
- The best practice is to have your chemotherapy wig designed before hair is completely lost and while your hair style is intact. This makes it easier for the hair stylist to create your individual look perfectly.
Enlisting the use of an expert hair stylist in the design of your chemotherapy wig can help you preserve your sense of identity during the period of hair loss.