Body Hair Transplants – Truth and Purpose

One of the discussions that I frequently encounter concerns Body Hair Transplants, or BHT. It seems like there are a lot of people that have questions about this procedure and what issues it is used to correct. First we’ll talk about what BHT is, and then why it could be considered as a treatment option.

What Body Hair Transplant Is

In body hair transplant, hair is harvested from any site on the body. Using a tiny punch tool known as “FUE”, the surgeon extracts a single hair follicle at a time and then transplants them at any other body site. Generally, this is performed in patients who are scarred or who are missing hair in gaps. Both of these circumstances make body hair transplant a great option.

There are some drawbacks to BHT:

  • Transection Rates. In body hair transplant, the survival rate for the transplanted hair follicle is much lower. This results in poor results with a high cost.
  • Cost. The labor-intensive nature of extracting each individual donor follicle causes a long, slow process. This results in an extremely high cost as compared to traditional hair transplant.
  • Hair Characteristics. Body hair is much different than the hair present on the head. The texture, thickness and maximum length cause it to have an unnatural appearance.
  • Amount Required. Due to the thinner and finer nature of body hair, it requires up to four times as many hair follicles to achieve adequate coverage. This is another factor that drives the cost higher than traditional hair transplants.

When Body Hair Transplant is Appropriate

Often people ask about body hair transplant because they want to avoid scarring on the sides or back of the head, which are the usual donor sites in traditional hair transplant. Many believe that scars on the chest would be preferable and think chest hair would be adequate for their needs.

The other type of patient that asks about body hair transplant are those who have had multiple failed hair transplants or have depleted the donor hair. Many times, patients have no other options. If there is a lack of donor hair, body hair transplant is the only option. This is the only situation when it makes sense to use this procedure.

Bottom line: body hair transplant has a high risk of poor results, along with a much higher cost. Growth is only to about one inch and has an unnatural appearance. The procedure itself is more time consuming and has a much higher risk of failure than traditional hair transplants. Body hair transplants should only be a treatment option considered when it is the last resort.